Outlook and analysis of our portfolios at the beginning of the year
When analyzing the recent performance of our portfolios and their future prospects, we at Buy & Hold would like to thank you once again
Call us M-F from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 900 550 440
When analyzing the recent performance of our portfolios and their future prospects, we at Buy & Hold would like to thank you once again
Llegado el momento de hacer balance del primer semestre del año y repasar nuestras perspectivas para el segundo, en Buy & Hold no queremos dejar
Llegado el momento de hacer balance del primer semestre del año y repasar nuestras perspectivas para el segundo, en Buy & Hold no queremos dejar
A la hora de analizar el recorrido reciente de nuestras carteras y analizar sus perspectivas de futuro, en Buy & Hold no queremos dejar de
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Call us M-F from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 900 550 440
Director-Secretary. Partner
Director of various family offices and OEICs.
Asset Manager at Inversis and BM.
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the National University of Distance Education.
Master’s Degree in Portfolio Management from the IEB.
European Financial Advisor certificate from the EFPA.
CEO Investment manager. Partner
Executive Director at UBS Investment Bank.
Bond Sales-Trader AB Advisors / Morgan Stanley.
Deputy General Manager Banco Sabadell Urquijo.
Chairman of BMGA. Law degree from the University of Navarra.
Master in Finance from IEB.
IESE Business School, Senior Management Program, PADE.