The clearer the better.
We are an independent investment fund manager registered by the CNMV under number 256.
And we achieve the best returns by managing fixed income, equity and commingled funds.
Reasons to choose us
Management team
When you add up our experience, it adds up to almost a century.In addition, our success in private investment precedes us.
Analysis equipment
Analytical capacity and knowledge of the market, an expert team and the best tools.
Investment funds
Peace of mind, security and clarity as the cornerstones for developing our funds.
The market is clear.
For years, we beat it by quadrupling the initial equity invested.
We share the same interests as our customers.
We invest our capital in the same products we offer.
It must be very clear. Always available for our customers.
Our responsibility has no borders
To Burkina Faso with Friends of Rimkieta.
For more than seven years, we have been focusing our many efforts on the underprivileged neighborhood of Rimkieta in Ouagadougou, the capital of the African country. We help women and children in their education, development, nutrition and health.
In addition, thanks to the support of our stakeholders, we enhance the social and professional life of women.
Burkina Faso currently ranks 185 out of 193 in the United Nations Human Development Index.